We’ve all heard that Saint Anne and Saint Raphael are the perfect intercessors as saints for love and relationships. Or, maybe you like to entrust your love life to tried and true romantic intercessors like Saint Valentine and Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. But they’re not the only ones who can help us down the path of holiness through a relationship!
Here are seven unusual patron saints to turn to for prayer and guidance when it comes to your romantic relationship.
Saint Anthony of Padua
Anthony is the patron saint of lost causes and maybe that’s exactly what your love life feels like right now. Regardless of your current relationship status, sometimes the path is dark and fraught and feels like it may never go right.
When you’re in that spot, send up a prayer to Anthony of Padua. Not only can he help you find your lost items, he can help you find your way. This powerful intercessors will help you set your love life back on track, whether that means getting out of a toxic relationship or finding your way to a healthy one that leads to a holy Catholic marriage.
You (and your love life!) are never too lost for Anthony to find you!
Saint Dwynwen
Dwynwen is the patron saint of lovers! Though she was never married, she was known to pray on behalf of the hopes and dreams of all true lovers. Because of this, she’s a powerful intercessor for those looking for their true love (whether or not you’re already in a relationship).
Read more: 5 Saints For Single Catholics
Call on this lesser-known saint to help you find your true love and to weather all the storms of a relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend. She won’t let you down!
Saint Andrew
Andrew is a powerful intercessor for single people because he brought Peter to Jesus. After all, that’s the point of a relationship with another person: to get closer to Jesus. Andrew brought these two together and he can help bring you and your potential match together, too. Don’t overlook him in this area!
Andrew known for many other things but this is one of his lesser-known traits, making him a special intercessor for your love life.
Saint Christopher
While he’s most famous as the patron saint of travelers for bringing the baby Jesus across the waters on his shoulders, Christopher is also the patron saint of bachelors, making him a great intercessor for your love life. The reasons he’s known in this regard are unclear but probably because he never married.
Christopher could be an especially powerful intercessor if you find yourself in a long distance relationship!
Saint Anselm
This Doctor of the Church can be invoked for your love life because he talked about relationships! He wrote a beautiful prayer about not making an idol of the vocation of marriage.
O Lord my God.
Teach my heart this day
where and how to find you.
You have made me and re-made me,
and you have bestowed on me
all the good things I possess,
and still I do not know you.
I have not yet done
that for which I was made.
Teach me to seek you,
for I cannot seek you
unless you teach me,
or find you
unless you show yourself to me.
Let me seek you in my desire;
let me desire you in my seeking.
Let me find you by loving you;
let me love you when I find you.
Anselm, make our hearts and desires pure and in service of Jesus Christ!
Read more: What The Saints Have To Say About Love, Dating, & Marriage
Saint Nicholas of Myra
Santa Claus isn’t just for Christmastime and bringing little kids toys, he’s also a powerful intercessor for your love life! Nicholas is known as a patron for a happy marriage and you can pray to him before you’re married to bring you a significant other who will make your life full of happiness and joy.
What I’m really saying here is that when your teenage sister asked Santa Claus for a boyfriend, she wasn’t too far off! Just like he punched a heretic, Nicholas while punch out misery from your love life. All you have to do is ask!
Saint Monica
Monica is most famous for being the mom of Saint Augustine and praying unceasingly for his conversion. However, that’s not the only conversion she prayed for! She also prayed for her husband and mother-in-law’s conversions, too. They were pagans who taunted her for her faith, but she never wavered and always met them with charity.
She prayed that her marriage would be a good and strong, and her prayers never went unanswered. In this way, she’s happy to pray for good, holy, and strong Catholic marriages for others, too. If you find yourself in a relationship with a person of a different faith, Monica will have your back. She knows all about making inter-faith marriages work for the glory of God.
Monica, pray for us to be holy and to have holy partnerships!
Hopefully, one of these lesser-known intercessors sticks out to you and you can start a relationship with one of them to help you in your love life here on earth. Remember that the point of a relationship is to grow in grace and faith and get each other closer to heaven.
These seven intercessors won’t let you down!