After many personal trials for both of us, Lance and I finally met each other in the
new year of 2018!
For me, I had been searching to find out what my vocation was. After I understood
the Lord did not want me to go into the convent, I came home, somewhat puzzled
and disheartened. I finally surrendered my “love life” to God and told him to do
what he pleased with it. With that, I also decided I was going to delete my Catholic
Singles account.
Well when I logged on, there Lance was, waiting with a message and a smile for
me. After some short introduction to each other- as well as a secret sign of
confirmation from my beloved Saint Therese of Liseux- Lance and I decided to
move on to a phone call shortly after that.
We ended up being “voices in the desert” to each other; his words to me, and
apparently mine to him too, were an oasis of refreshment to our parched souls. It
didn’t take long for us to want to meet in person, and fortunately for us we both
lived in the same state. Our first date was only a drive away.
On that day Lance greeted me with five red roses. This was also a gift from St.
Therese that I had been waiting for. Over a month before then, I said a novena to
the Saint, (who is also known by the title of “The Little Flower”) that she would
show me my vocation. Waiting expectantly for a rose from Therese, (which is the
gift she is notoriously known for giving to anyone who says a novena in her honor)
I had all but forgotten about it by the time of that special first date with Lance.
Since then, we have been on many adventures together, plenty of which had their
own trials in addition to the numerous joys we have experienced together. I will not
account for every one of those here however, because as that famous gospel
writer once said, “the world itself could not contain the books that would be
written” about these events and experiences.
In closing though I will say, that life’s hardships have only become much more
bearable because my life is now joined with Lance’s. We had our wedding in the
Catholic Church- at a basilica named after St. Therese of Liseux- in January of
2020. My husband gave himself completely to me on our wedding day, which was
also his birthday. Our story is detailed and beautiful- one that only the Master of
the heavens could come up with, as well as see it through. We continue to trust
him with our vocation each day.