You finally have this online dating thing down. You log into your dating apps with ease and navigate potential prospects like a pro. But one day you realize that as many people as you’re coming in contact with, not many of them have a lot in common with you. How can you meet like-minded people?
As fun as it is to have every type of personality available at your fingertips, when all is said and done, we are all really on a mission to find like minded people. We log onto our online dating accounts to meet men and women who share the same interests, goals and beliefs as we do.
When dating online, it can be easy to fall into a rut and then lose interest because you’re not branching out in the ways you’d hoped. Follow along below for some simple ways to increase your chances of meeting like minded people, and maybe even love, online.
1. Start a blog
You don’t have to be a professional writer to begin and upkeep an online blog. Connecting with like minded people online is as easy as registering for a website (many are free!) and writing about something you enjoy.
Are you an avid hiker? Do you enjoy bird watching? Maybe your thing is baseball. Whatever it is, blog about it and then share the link to your blog on your dating profile. People who read through and are interested in what you have to say, are often like minded people who share your same interests.
Don’t forget to let your friends know that you’re blogging, too!
2. Take advantage of social media
Facebook isn’t just for keeping in touch and being social with friends you already know. Many people and businesses use the popular website to tap into a base of people they have never met.
If you search for groups on Facebook, you’ll find there is no shortage of interests. Local meetups, social events, popular interests, and groups specifically created for people trying out online dating, social media can be a phenomenal tool for connecting with like minded people.
3. Be obvious about what type of person you are
The easiest way to attract like-minded people online is to be up front and clear about the kind of person you are and interests you possess. Don’t beat around the bush in conversation when you meet new people. Be clear, concise and specific about what you do and don’t like.
Don’t be afraid to be up front about what the type of person you get along with as well. For instance, you may write something like, “I really enjoy spending time with people who will leave the cell phone at home for a day while we go hiking in the wilderness together.”
Another way to introduce yourself is like this: “If you love animals and treat them as if they are just as much of your family as your humans, we may make a good match.”
Online dating is way more efficient when a person gets a good, clear picture of who you are early on.
4. Put yourself in the right situations to meet like minded people
Online dating, it’s important to remember, isn’t all that different from dating in the “real” world when you’re looking to find like minded people. You have to put yourself in situations where you are likely to meet someone that is there for the same reasons you are.
You’re not going to look for a clean eating, juicing yogi at dive bar events at 2am. So you shouldn’t go looking for like minded people on websites that don’t really interest you.
Search for websites, online communities, blogs, and social media groups that match your interests and passion. Then, get active there.
Don’t visit once and expect to find success with a bunch of potential future dates. Just like you have to frequent a coffee shop, gym, book club, etc., to really open yourself to meeting people, make sure you’re active and putting yourself out there on your online groups as well.
5. Be patient
Sure, we’re all tired of hearing this piece of advice, but when giving the tips above it is really important to remember that you can do all the right things and be in all the right places, but it can take time to meet like minded people that may actually be the kind of people that you’re looking for.
Whether starting a blog or joining a new online group that interests you, it’s going to take time to get to know and build relationships with others. Don’t expect to meet the perfect match after you’ve posted your first blog, and don’t think that your future spouse will show up on day one of joining a similar interest group.
The great thing about putting in the time and effort, is that the end result is usually worthwhile. Good things take time and when it comes to online dating, time can lead to a long term, committed, awesome relationship if you’re willing to work for it.
6. Seek out charity work online
It’s easy to get set in your ways when it comes to charity work. Helping out at Church or with the singles group at the soup kitchen can be routine and comfortable ways to give back to the community.
Going online, however, can connect you to volunteer opportunities in your area that you may not have known about before. Whether it be planting trees in a local park or picking up trash on the side of the road, some of these groups are great places to meet like minded people while giving back to your community.
Often, groups that connect over charity work will spend time together socially as well. This is a fun and different way to get to know people if you’re willing to step out of the typical online dating platform.
Online dating and dating in general is a lot more fun when you’re connecting to like minded people who share the same interests as you. By extending your reach on the internet and reaching out to different groups and websites, you’ll expedite your search for Mr. or Mrs. Right. Be persistent and present in the places you spend online and patience will pay off when you find yourself connecting almost effortlessly to people who share the same life hopes, desires and interests as you.