As Catholics, we know that Easter is the holiest day of the year and certainly the most celebratory of occasions. Not only is Easter important, but the Catholic Church also gives us an entire fifty days of celebration in the Easter season.
It can sometimes be difficult to remember that we’re still called to celebrate Easter once Easter Sunday is over. In some seasons of our lives, it can be a bit easier to keep alive that celebratory spirit that’s proper for us to have all Easter season long. But our single years aren’t necessarily one of those stages of life where this always comes naturally.
Nonetheless, our single lives are one of the best times to dive in wholeheartedly to the mission of celebrating Easter well for the entire Easter season.
Here are seven ways you can celebrate the Easter Season as a Catholic single!
1. Keep your Easter feast going
While it might not be a healthy idea to spend fifty days totally pigging out on Easter candy, continuing your Easter feast in small ways can be a great way to remember that it’s still a time of celebration.
If you chose to fast from something tasty during Lent (whether it be dessert, sweetened coffee, added salt to your food, or alcohol), try to remember each time you eat it now that you’re celebrating Easter.
Beyond this simple act of reminding yourself, you can also take the opportunity to continue cooking or baking traditional Easter foods throughout the season, especially on Sundays.
If Hot Cross Buns have meant Easter Sunday for you in the past, try cooking them at other points in the season. If you come from an Easter Sunday ham dinner type of family, try freezing some leftovers and pulling them back out a few times during the season.
And you can definitely try giving Pinterest a search to find Easter dishes and recipes as well.
2. Feast with others
Though we traditionally think of Lent as the time to do things like volunteer for charitable service, we certainly don’t have to confine the practice to Lent.
Easter is another great season to think of those who are less fortunate than we are and to do what we can to help provide for them.
Whether this means donating money to the needy or something more hands-on like volunteering at a soup kitchen, striving to help provide for the physical needs of others can definitely help us to grow in a celebratory Easter spirit.
3. Keep your family and friend time ongoing
One of the best things about holidays in general is that they often bring us together in celebration with family members or friends that we don’t get to see as often as we would like. So, as we celebrate the fifty days of Easter, make it a goal to continue getting together with those people in your life who bring you joy and a sense of community.
Read more: Can Men And Women Be Friends? These Twelve Saints Think So
Not only is the togetherness good for keeping the celebratory Easter spirit alive, but it can also be very positive and healthy for us to grow in this community more deeply throughout all of our time as a single.
4. Attend Mass more often
What better time than the Easter season to try attending Mass on more than just Sunday? If every day is still Easter, we might as well rejoice and offer our thanks to God in the most powerful way possible.
If your regular parish isn’t offering daily Mass very often or at all, you can check out neighboring parishes for a time that works for you.
Though it’s not the same as attending Mass in person, now is also a good time to consider praying along with a streaming daily Mass. A quick web search or a search on YouTube for streaming Catholic Mass will yield more options than you’ll know what to do with.
5. Pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
Traditionally, the Church recommends we pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary on Wednesdays and Sundays, but we can certainly pray them more often if we would like to.
Read more: 7 Reasons To Pray The Rosary As A Single Catholic
Easter is a great time to dive more deeply into praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. Consider making a commitment to praying the Rosary more frequently. Or, if you already pray the Rosary daily, consider adding an element of Scripture reading or deeper meditation to your practice.
6. Plant an Easter garden
Flowers and new plant life can definitely be a great way to keep in mind that we’re in the season of new life. If you have even a slightly green thumb, Easter is a great time to start planting.
For those of us who tend to accidentally kill our plants no matter what we do, we could also try keeping our home decorated with Easter lilies. The sight of fresh Easter lilies is sure to remind us of the beautifully decorated church on Easter morning.
7. Revamp your search for someone special
Why not make use of this season of joy and celebration to rekindle your efforts in searching for a spouse? During our single years, holidays can be difficult at times as we see married friends and family members celebrating with their spouses and children.
But now is not a time for self-pity or discouragement. Instead, try to channel any of these feelings into action. Then, ask God to guide your search for a spouse!
Ready to meet other single Catholics who share your love of the Catholic faith? Download the Catholic Singles app today! We’ll help you build your online dating profile in less than ten minutes. Then, you can message other single Catholics for free!