Congrats for making through what felt like a year of January! I saw several friends on Facebook refer to January as the Monday of the year. They aren’t wrong!
Once the Christmas decorations are put away and lights are taken down, things often seem to slip into slow motion. The days are a bit dark and dreary, but we shouldn’t let that distract us from life in the present.
Now that we are into the second month of the year, it’s time to take a look at those resolutions that sounded good over a month ago.
Are you happy with the resolutions you made? Have you been able to stick to them?
Did you make ones in particular that had to do with dating? What about your online dating experience?
For singles it’s important to make dating a priority, especially if you’re really wanting to find that perfect life partner.
After polling a number of our own singles, here are some of the most common online dating resolutions I found.
They are all reasonable, practical and worth keeping if you can.
Date with Intention
Did last year close out on a low note for you?
Were you frustrated with what felt like a year’s worth of dating with minimal results?
If so, it may be time to take your online dating life a little bit more seriously. Instead of just casually dating or only when it’s convenient, try making it a priority.
Mare sure your online dating life is just as active as your life offline.
Don’t sit back and wait for messages to come your way, but rather reach out and do the messaging.
Set goals for yourself, like reaching out to one or two new people a week and follow through with them.
As with anything in life, if you make dating a priority, you will see better results. Be intentional in the time you put in to connecting with others.
To make sure you’re sticking with this resolution, you may even need to schedule it into your day planner. Hey, whatever works!
Spruce up your online dating profile
This may be second on my list, but it’s definitely a top pick. Your online dating profile is one of the most important aspects of dating online.
Not sure how yours pans out? Ask yourself these questions:
- Is my picture good quality?
- Does my profile picture show a welcoming side of me?
- Is my tagline inviting?
- Is my description of myself to the point?
- Can people tell what kind of person I am after reading my profile?
- Is my profile interesting enough that I would want to click on it?
If you aren’t sure about the above questions, it may be time to put some work into your profile.
The great news is that it is fun, and it’s easy. After all, who doesn’t like talking about themselves?
Keep God as your number one
While love is the most incredible feeling we can experience, it’s important to make sure that it doesn’t become an idol. Sometimes the idea of a perfect (or even imperfect) love can become all consuming. When this happens, our relationship with God can slide into second place.
A good resolution to keep this year, keeping God as your priority will actually help improve your love life. If your faith is strong and healthy, the rest of your life will follow suit.
Make sure you are scheduling time with God as well as time to pursue online dating. Frequent the sacraments and build a strong prayer life.
Need ideas? Try some of these:
- Start a novena
- Join a prayer group
- Go to weekly adoration
- Carve out a set prayer time at home each day
Remember it takes three to get married, so when searching for the perfect spouse, don’t forget about nurturing your relationship with the god that will be with you the entire journey.
When you make a connection, keep it
I am always surprised by the number of people who tell me they are excited that someone reached out, but then they let the connection dwindle.
If you want a real relationship, you have to put some work in!
Online dating is not and should not be one sided. Both parties have to actively participate.
If you found yourself taking too much of a passive roll in your single life last year, change that. If someone reaches out, keep that connection going. Especially if you’re enjoying them!
Come up with a list of questions to ask or invite them to discuss mutual interests. Don’t let a conversation fall flat because you ran out of things to say.
There is a world of subjects to talk about. Pick one!
Remember why you are here and be encouraged by the fact that there is someone for you.
Keep your door open, but also actively invite them in!
Make 2020 Great
Go ahead and declare this your year. 2020 is going to be the year in which you rock your online dating experience.
Schedule and remind yourself of how important your resolutions are. Whether they are ones listed above or different, refocus on why you set them in the first place.
If you need help keeping them reach out to your available community for support and encouragement. There are many, many other Catholic singles working on the same goals for this year!
If you’re happy with your resolutions, keep them. We’re cheering you on! You’ve got this!