“It’s another Saturday night and I ain’t got nobody,” … Do you ever feel like Sam Cooke wrote those lyrics just for you? Maybe you’re living a good life, working hard, and coming home with a paycheck to spend. But maybe you’re too nervous to ask someone out.
Somewhere, somehow in the conservative Christian world we were taught (especially as women!) that the proper thing to do if you wanted to go out on a date was to prayerfully hope that the right person would just show up and ask you out.
But the dating scene has evolved. Today, both men and women ask people out on date. It’s become easier than ever to fill your Saturday nights with companionship instead of sitting home alone with an empty dance card.
When online dating apps came on the scene, dating as we once knew it changed forever. Because they give you a chance to craft your words and catch your breath, dating apps take the stress out of trying to ask someone out. They also give you a wide range of people at your fingertips.
But as great as it is, the dating app isn’t the only way to ask someone out.
Ready to go apple picking this fall, but don’t want to go at it alone? Stop waiting for someone to ask you out and try these tricks to get someone on that hayride with you.
1. Go ahead and initiate
So you see him every week at Bible study, enjoy his company, and are pretty sure he enjoys you too. What are you waiting for?
Long gone are the days where women have to wait for the guys to make the first move.
Casually ask him if he’d like to join you for a trip up to the orchard one Saturday, or a coffee after picking out a pumpkin one Sunday afternoon. The great thing about dates is that they don’t have to be dripping with romance. They can be completely casual (and sometimes that’s more fun!).
2. Make your ask clear
Maybe it’s the barista at the coffee shop who adds a little heart next to your name every time she initials your to-go cup. You think that she’d be an awesome person to hang out with outside of a place that sells coffee beans, but you’ll never know if you don’t ask.
Coming in to the coffee shop day after day is not going to tell her that you’re interested in her.
What will let her know is taking a minute to ask if she’d like to exchange numbers so that you can meet up one day outside of her workplace.
You’d be surprised at how many women are wishing a guy would ask them out, when at the same time the only reason the guy isn’t making the move is because he is afraid to ask her!
3. Take yourself on a date
Wait, go on a date without conjuring up a second half from a dating app or local singles group? Absolutely.
Look around you this fall. Look at your town or city and find some of the most beautiful places to visit and fun things to do.
It could be a local park with a trendy festival, the state fair (who doesn’t love a good caramel apple?), or Oktoberfest.
Just because you arrive at one of these venues without a date, doesn’t mean you won’t leave with one!
Some of the best times and places to meet other single people are at fall gatherings. These adventures usually boast hundreds if not thousands of people who are out and about enjoying the weather and looking to have a good time.
Ask a couple of friends to join you for a fun fall adventure. Then, be sure to introduce yourself to the single person sitting next to you on the hayride.
What an exciting way to combine having some good old fashioned fall fun with finding someone to spend the rest of the season with!
4. Ask a single friend out
Sometimes the perfect date doesn’t happen with a future spouse or someone you recently met on a dating app. An awesome date can come from someone you’d least expect. Just going out and having a good time without feeling any pressure can really help renew and refresh you emotionally and recharge you.
Fall is one of the most fun and refreshing times of the year. The leaves are changing colors and as they do, we are reminded that we ourselves are constantly changing.
Don’t sit around and miss one of the most beautiful seasons because you’re waiting on someone. Go ahead, get out there and ask someone to come spend it with you!