Fall is a great time of year! Leaves change color and fall to the ground, the air is cooler, and all things cozy are in season (especially sweaters!). It’s also a time of year filled with fun activities you can’t do any other time of year! So why not start some traditions?
Here are five traditions you can start with your significant other this Halloween. If you don’t have a significant other yet, keep searching! You have a profile on a Catholic dating app for a reason. But these are also all great activities for single people to start, too.
1. Go apple picking
You’ll feel like you’ve stepped into a Pinterest board when you go apple picking this fall. There are apple orchards almost everywhere, so this is an easy fall tradition to get into! Also, there are so many tasty treats to make with apples. You could make apple pie, candied apples, caramel apples, apple cider, or just eat them plain!
Make sure to get a few photos of the day. Your tradition can be documented through all the years this way! If you’re single and looking for a quick, seasonal update for your online dating profile, these candid fall photos can spruce up your profile in no time.
Read more: How To Choose The Perfect Profile Photo
2. Visit a pumpkin patch
Most pumpkin patches have so much more to offer than just pumpkins. Some have games and props to pose with, gift shops, and some even have rides or slides!
You don’t even have to come home with a pumpkin. Just being outdoors surrounded by the best of fall is enough for this tradition to take off. It’s incredibly fun to take kids to pumpkin patches, making this one easy to transition into family life, when that day comes. But if you’re single this fall, ask a family you know to come along on your pumpkin patch adventures.
3. Host a pumpkin carving contest
Okay, so you did come home with pumpkins from the pumpkin patch, so what now? Carve them, of course! Make this fun by turning it into a contest to see who can carve the best pumpkin. Rules are subjective so go wild! Who can create the scariest or silliest or most complicated or least complicated? Who can encapsulate fall best with their pumpkin?
Or go for a pumpkin carving themed contest. Theme them to a certain movie each year or that you can only use triangles and rectangles in designing your pumpkin face. The sky’s the limit here which gives it endless iterations for year after year fun! Then display them on your porch or in a window so everyone can see. You want to let everyone in on the fun!
4. Decorate for fall
Similarly to living liturgically, living seasonally is a ton of fun and gives a good boost to your brain chemicals, keeping you happier and healthier. So put out a few pumpkins and fall-themed decorations. Maybe grow this collection a little bit each year to keep it fresh and new.
Pick a day each year to start your fall decorating, so it’s something to always look forward to. You could even decorate your house one night and then your significant other’s place the next. A popular date is the first day of fall, but that can be totally up to you. This will help you and your significant other get into (and stay in!) the autumnal spirit!
5. Pass out candy to trick or treaters
If you don’t have anywhere else to be on Halloween (or if your neighborhood does trick or treat on a night other than Halloween), what better way to spend your time than by passing out candy to kids looking to have a good time. You get to dress up, and you get to see all of the kids dressed up and having fun. It’s a great way to get to know your neighborhood, too. We often underestimate the importance and beauty of living in a community in your neighborhood.
You can do this as simply or as elaborately as you want! From just setting out a bowl of candy with a note to just take one each to going all out in themed costume with your house completely decorated, the sky is the limit! Kids will remember you as one of the neighbors who was nice to them. Or, you can be that house that completely scared the pants off them.
Plus, if you have kids someday, either one of you can stay home to pass out candy while the other takes the kids trick or treating or you’ll all go trick or treating and be party to the generosity of your neighbors.
Which of these traditions do you think you and your significant other would like to start this Halloween?
What are some other ideas for traditions to start?
Really, the point here is to stay in touch with the seasons and rhythm of life and to have a lot of fun while doing it. Don’t feel obligated but maybe get out of your comfort zone or routine and try something new!