Years ago in high school, I was somewhat involved in our parish youth ministry program. Every spring we went on retreat to a beautiful Benedictine retreat center about an hour away, tucked far away off a dirt road. The weekend was equal parts prayer and faith sharing with time to relax and be outdoors. One […]
Category: Catholic Stuff
Hey, we’re Catholic and we’re proud of it! Sometimes just focusing on being single, dating, and relationships doesn’t cut it – so we made a place for everything that we write about being Catholic and loving it.
In Lockdown Mode? 12 Catholic Resources You Need
We are living in very strange times right now. Much of the country is locked down to some degree. Your faith life is probably looking drastically different about now. In the midst of the anxiety over disease and its effects on our country, it’s important that we don’t start to let our faith lives go. […]
Catholic Singles is 100% Free Through the End of March
My Archdiocese recently suspended all masses. I know for most of you, your reality is the same. Over the past few weeks, we’ve all experienced our normal lives ripped away from us. Everything from our jobs to being able to buy toilet paper feels difficult. Scarcity is everywhere. Instead of feeding the scarcity, we want […]
What I’ve Learned About Trust (and Shamrocks!) from Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick is celebrated today in America and elsewhere with a flurry of green decorations, shamrocks, and probably some partying. As Catholics, hopefully we’re not falling into the trap of using this saint’s feast day just as an excuse for excessive drinking. But merely avoiding this pitfall is still falling short of making this holiday […]
12 Lenten Sacrifices for Catholic Singles
Is anyone else as excited for Lent as I am? After the cold, dark and dreary days of January and February, I can honestly say that having forty days to focus on a specific purpose sounds amazing. Don’t get me wrong, I love the holidays. Time with family at Thanksgiving is awesome. The lights and […]
Sick of Valentine’s Day? Celebrate Cyril and Methodius Instead
The pink and red hearts have been exploding out of the holiday sections of stores since the day after Christmas. The greeting card, flower, and candy companies have all been coming after us hard for weeks now. They keep reminding us that the holiday of romance is coming up . . . have you bought […]
The Best Saint to Pray to If You’re Struggling with Chastity
Most of us who are striving for chastity in our modern society know that it’s no easy task to remain pure these days. All around us, the influences of the world and of the devil work each day to try and diminish the importance of chastity, or to make us think it’s impossible for us […]
What Discerning a Call to the Priesthood Taught Me about Friendship and Prayer
I first decided that I wanted to be a priest when I was five years old. At that stage, priests just seemed cool. My reasons for wanting the vocation and the things that attracted me to it changed and grew over time, but the desire was always there. At the end of high school, I […]
3 Ways to Evangelize this Christmas Season
Christmas is meant to be a season of coming together. But it seems like every year, I see a greater and greater divide between people who consider themselves “true” Christmas believers and those who ebb with the cultural front-loaded side of the holiday. I have noticed a lot of people unwilling to put up their […]
What NBC’s “the Good Place” Is Teaching Us About Soul Mates
When the NBC comedy series “The Good Place,” starring Kristen Bell, premiered, I was not a fan. “What is this garbage?” was the thought that crossed my mind when I watched the pilot episode. The show is a fantasy representation of the afterlife that has very little to do with what we as Catholics know to […]