Catholic Singles is 100% Free Through the End of March

My Archdiocese recently suspended all masses.

I know for most of you, your reality is the same. Over the past few weeks, we’ve all experienced our normal lives ripped away from us. Everything from our jobs to being able to buy toilet paper feels difficult.

Scarcity is everywhere. Instead of feeding the scarcity, we want to do the opposite.

Effective immediately, we are making Catholic Singles 100% free to anyone who wants access through the end of March (at least). This is not a free trial. No credit card is needed. No upsells at all. In fact, you don’t need to do anything at all – all accounts are automatically free.

And if you are already on a paid plan, don’t worry, we’ll extend your plan automatically at no charge to you.

We need to connect as a Catholic community now more than ever. This is our little way to help us connect.

I hope you’ll join our community and meet other faithful, Catholic singles, and I can’t wait to hear what God is able to do with this time.

Know of our prayers for you, and please keep Catholic Singles and our staff in your prayers as well.

Join Now for Free.

God Bless,
