About: mfleming

- Profile
- Michele Fleming, M.A. is a counselor, national speaker, and writer on Christian relationships. Michele has a Masters in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in the integration of Christian theology. She is currently completing her PhD and her research is focused on dating and relationships. She is a member of the Christian Association for the Psychological Sciences and the American Psychological Association as well as a staff therapist at a non-profit community counseling center in Southern California, offering Christian counseling services to individuals and couples. Prior to entering graduate school, Michele served as the Director of Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of San Diego, and worked as a consultant for the young adult ministry of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Michele is also a radio host on "St. Joseph Radio Presents," a national EWTN broadcast on Saturday mornings that explores the teachings of the Catholic Church and how they apply to our lives and relationships. Michele considers her most important calling to be to her marriage. Dan and Michele were married in 2006, and together they provide seminars to couples preparing for marriage or discerning engagement.
Posts by mfleming:
- Are You Sabotaging Your Relationships? in Dating Advice
- When There’s No Physical Chemistry in Dating Advice
- The Online Dating Timeline: Chat, Speak, Meet in Dating Advice
- Has Your Date “Gone Missing”? in Dating Advice
- Weekend Getaways & Dating: Should You Or Shouldn’t You? in Dating Advice
- Why Is It So Hard To Meet Someone? in Dating Advice
- That’s Not What I Meant! – Dating & Effective Communication in Dating Advice
- Are You Ready To Get Married? in Dating Advice
- Emotionally Confused After BreakUp in Dating Advice
- Ask Michele? Dating In Your 50’s in Dating Advice