Marriage isn’t complicated. There, I said it. Sure today’s society has made traditional marriage almost completely unrecognizable, but if you look to God’s spoken word in the form of the Bible, you’ll find that marriage is a pretty straight forward covenant between a man, a woman and God.
Catholic Singles and couples alike often turn to self help books and how to guides looking for relationship advice, but the good news, especially for Catholics, is that there is a wealth of advice on marriage right in the biblical texts.
The topic of marriage can bring up a lot of questions. Is marriage only between a husband and wife? What do the scriptures say about adultery? Is the bible ok with divorce?
In a world where each talking head is giving a different description of what marriage should be, take the time to go to the Bible and read first hand the advice that God has passed down to us. You can’t go wrong seeking answers from the one who created the institution of marriage in the first place.
What does the Bible say that marriage is?
The significance of marriage should be realized from the fact that it is one of the first things to occur in the bible. Early in the Bible, God’s creation story isn’t complete until He has joined the man and woman that he created to become one flesh.
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” Genesis 24
This account of the first ever institution of marriage is God’s example of an ideal wedding. One man, one woman, bound together by love and with him residing at the center.
What does the Bible say that the purpose of marriage is?
The purpose of marriage is not singular. Scripture outlines several reasons why it is good for man and wife to be united in the sacrament.
When God created man, he realized that he would be lonely without a companion, and so he created Eve. Adam and Eve represent a friendship that should be enjoyed by all men and women who choose to marry.
We are created to be with people. It is part of our human makeup. Marriage within the church provides a joint companionship that can be enjoyed through the easy as well as the hard parts of life.
Adam was lonely without Eve and thus God literally created woman out of the bones of man. Made from the same body, man and woman seal the perfect union when they complete what God began through marriage.
The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” Genesis 2:23
One of the most important biblical reasons for man and woman to form a relationship is to procreate. God’s first command to Adam and Eve was to be fruitful and produce a line of people to rule over all the creatures of his earth.
God entrusted man and wife with the greatest responsibility in all of creation, to procreate more souls to come to know and love him.
“God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” Genesis 1:28
The biblical interpretation of marriage tells us that man is supposed to protect his wife by laying down his life for her (Ephesians 5:25) and woman is to fiercely protect the interests of her home (Titus 2:4-5). Together, husband and wife should protect their children and raise them to be holy and god fearing.
Represent the church
Marriage is also meant to typify the relationship of Christ and his church. Husband and wife lay down their lives and sacrifice for each other in just the way that Jesus does for his church.
Is marriage only ok between a man and a woman?
Upon looking at the view of marriage in the bible, there is absolutely no doubt that God intended marriage to be solely between a man and woman. A husband and wife complement each other perfectly.
Genesis is not the only mention of husband and wife being joined in matrimony, Jesus speaks of the important union in the New Testament as well:
“Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, u‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and vthe two shall become one flesh’? Matthew 19:5
With the command to become one flesh and procreate, heterosexuality is the only option given for marriage in the bible. A man and woman become husband and wife and are expected to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:38).
What does Scripture say about divorce?
Marriage is a biblical covenant instituted and created in the presence of God. It is a serious commitment that is meant to be permanent and should not be entered into lightly(Matthew 19:6; Mark 10:9).
Divorce is not permitted unless there is a grave reason. There are only a few reasons in the bible why divorce would be allowed:
- Adultery – If there is sexual unfaithfulness within the marriage.
- A spouse’s refusal to stay married upon the conversion of their partner to the faith.
- Physical abuse.
Even in these cases, Jesus Christ strongly advises struggling couples to try and save and heal the relationship between man and wife if at all possible. For example, if a man commits adultery, but then apologizes with true contrition, the woman is encouraged to forgive him and try and love him through and beyond his mistake.
Marriage is not just an agreement or a promise. It is a holy covenant between man and woman in the presence of and with God. It is a serious relationship that is meant to be permanent and lasting. Divorce should only be considered when the marriage has experienced an extreme upset from which it cannot be repaired.
When the current societal crisis of what marriage is and should be becomes overwhelming, go back to the Bible and listen to the word that god has spoken to us from the beginning. God is the one who instituted marriage, not modern day law and society. Go to him to find the answers.
He and only he can give the perfect guidance into what a beautiful and faithful marriage within the church looks like. When choosing to follow his will, he will bless and make each marriage fruitful according to his most perfect plan.