Summer flings are the stuff of romantic comedies and beach reads everywhere. Sometimes, a summer fling can be seen as something superficial, done for the sake of taking advantage of someone. While this most certainly can be true, it doesn’t have to be. After all, there’s nothing wrong with finding love in the summer, especially if you’re open to a relationship blossoming into something more.
But what if your summer fling has completely flopped as the summer season draws to an end? In no particular order, here are some reasons why that’s okay.
You two weren’t a good match
Maybe your summer romance fizzled out because you two weren’t a good match. Now you know! Remember, the goal of Catholic dating is to get to know people and discern whether or not they would be a good fit in your life as a Catholic man or woman.
Maybe this summer romance wasn’t a good fit. Though this can be disheartening, a relationship not working out can be helpful for your discernment. Sometimes you have to keep getting to know others until you meet who is right for you.
This is where a Catholic dating app can come in handy–it does some of the work of finding new people for you! Check out the Catholic Singles app today.
A summer breakup can help you refocus on your goals
The point of summer (and life!) isn’t just to find a relationship and discern a vocation. Our ultimate goal should be to become the men and women God created us to be. Holiness and Heaven are the goals and there are many ways to fulfill all the little calls of God each day.
Discerning your vocation is important, but remember that God is present here in the present moment, inviting you to become holy.
It’s hard not to sweat it when you desire to discern your vocation and your summer romance didn’t work out. But don’t lose hope. It’s amazing the people you’ll meet and the understanding you’ll gain as you pursue all the ways God calls you to himself.
You can focus on growth and healing
A summer breakup can give you the space you need to do what God is calling you to do. It can also be a good time to focus on who you are, and the plans God has in store for you as his daughter or son. If you take time to grow and heal after your summer fling flopped, you can become a better person.
Catholic dating relationships should never be devoid of this time for yourself, but sometimes, before you commit to another relationship, you just need to be with yourself.
A breakup gives you time to reevaluate
Is a summer romance actually the right way to pursue a Catholic dating relationship for you? If you think it is, then it’s okay to be open to finding love while the weather is still warm. Don’t forget that dating is supposed to be enjoyable. It’s a chance to meet new people and discover different aspects of yourself.
But if you’re still healing from a flop of a summer fling, take time to reevaluate your criteria and how you’re looking for someone. Why did you think a summer romance was good for you in the beginning? Why do you think it’s not anymore? Taking the time to process our thought processes, experiences, and needs can help you move forward and make decisions with assurance. This time of reflection should be included periodically while you’re in a dating relationship, too.
Read more: Why You Need a Summer Dating Strategy
One important thing about Catholic dating is to make sure all potential matches know that you’re not just looking for a hookup. Put it in your online dating profile if need be. A summer fling doesn’t have to mean hooking up, it can mean just casual dating, but make sure your intention is clear.
A summer breakup gives you the chance to take a risk
Summer is a great time to take some risks in your Catholic dating life. Take this chance to get outside of your comfort zone. Maybe you met someone through an online dating site. Be the first one to reach out through a message. Or perhaps you were matched with someone who seems like your total opposite. Send them a message anyway and see what comes from it.
In summertime, the Catholic online dating possibilities are really endless. Take your cue from the sun that shines longer and stretch yourself. You never know what (or who!) you might discover.