Q & A – AUG 20, 2009

Hi Fr. Jim,

I lost my husband Sam a year ago. He had the Sacrament of the Sick. He suffered with Parkinson’s for 8 years and never once complained. He was a kind, gentle man. I read recently that few people go straight to heaven. That made me very sad. Can you give me any comfort that my Sam is in heaven. When Jesus suffered and died for us didn’t he redeem us? So why would he have to go to purgatory? Thankyou for your response.


Dear Terry


I’m so sorry for your loss – I cannot imagine the pain of losing someone you love after being ill with such an awful disease.


It’s interesting, for some reason I’ve been hit with a lot of questions about purgatory lately.  And I think because of some fictious stories/examples about it, people have this impression that Purgatory is a type of divine prison that we need to “work off” our sins before we gain our eternal reward of heaven.  Or the best case scenario people have of purgatory it’s a type of “waiting room” for heaven…


There’s that human need to try to make divine things relatable, so while these attempts of depicting purgatory is understandable, I think they’re not helpful, because they lead to some misunderstandings or misinterpretations – as your letter kind of points out.


So here’s another human/relatable image:


Imagine instead that you’re going to an incredible banquet – maybe it’s your son or daughter’s wedding.  In anticipation for the big celebration, you need some final preparations – the day of, people would shower, get dressed up, have their clothes clean and pressed.


I see purgatory in a similar way. Purgatory is our final “purification” or cleansing of the effects of our sins so that we can enter into the eternal banquet that is awaiting us.


Our prayers for the souls in purgatory is our assisting them in the prepation for the joy that is so close to them…


The only “pain” or “suffering” I think people experience is the realization of our sins and how they hurt others, hurt God and hurt ourselves.


Purgatory isn’t something for us to be afraid of our mourn over – but rather another generous gift of our All loving God who only wants all of us to be with him at that eternal banquet…

Will keep you and Sam in my prayers Terry –


Fr Jim