Afraid to Talk About the Religious Life

Dear Fr.Jim,
I have always thought about religious life.I have 2 friends how are priest here in Vancouver. For some reason I am afraid to talk to them about religious life. I have been on weekend live-ins  at a local Abbey.


I felt so close to God and Jesus when I was there. I just feel like my heart goes up and down like a yo-yo. Do you think Father that god is calling me to be a servent of his or god wants me to have a loving wife and a family like my brothers have?
Thanks for reading my email. Please pray for me to make the right choice this situtation.


Dear Discerner:


Thanks for your question.  As great as Catholic Singles is and similar internet sites are in helping to spread the Gospel message and to challenge one another in our response to the Gospel, they can only go so far.


I wish I could simply email you what it is I believe God wants you to do with your life, but there’s no way I would be able to give you the definitive (and correct) answer you’re looking for from one email.


Discerning what God wants you to do is so important because it is our life’s mission.  Our vocation is what we were “made for.”


That you feel “so close to God and Jesus” while spending time on vocation discernment weekends is one important sign to pay attention to.  Usually if someone experiences something like that, and has an openness to that calling, those can be initial signs that could be pointing out that God is calling you to religious life.  But they are just that, initial signs.


God speaks to us.  But we need to develop proper ears to truly hear his voice and see where he is leading.  I would suggest finding a good priest for a spiritual director to openly and honestly discuss all of your questions and to help you grow deeper in your spiritual life.  Your prayer life will be the place where YOU will be able to truly hear and know what it is God is calling you to do.


You will be in my prayers as you continue to listen to HIs voice and hear what He is saying to you!


God Bless


Fr Jim