Did you know that Mary was approximately four feet and eleven inches tall? She may be petite, but in the eyes of God, she is a decorated Four-Star General and a powerhouse of a saint. The Blessed Mother is my favorite saint, I admit it.
This may be the first of many articles on her. There is just so much to learn from her. She rocks! And she is the most amazing mother ever.
If you don’t know her, I urge you to get to know her and I urge you to do the St. Louis De Montfort Consecration to the Blessed Mother. She will help you with everything and she is the best of all mothers.
What are the ways singles can imitate St. Mary?
First, Pray for More Faith
The Blessed Mother had great faith, perhaps greater than any other saint or all the saints put together. If you consecrate yourself to her, she will give you a share of her faith. That means your faith will grow. We all need to grow in the virtue of faith. Ask the Blessed Mother to intercede for more faith for you. She was able to endure difficult situations with great faith.
Mary Gives us an Idea of How to Handle Relationship Difficulties
Mary and Joseph were a wonderful couple but they had a period of time when they broke up and there were some problems there. Joseph was going to break off the engagement with Mary when he found out she was with child and that it was not his child. Now, you might find yourself in a situation where the man you have been dating leaves the relationship.
He wants out.
Or you may wonder to yourself, “Why am I dating this man? He does not seem like someone capable of the self-giving love required for marriage. He is not even sure he wants to get married. He does not want to be a good husband and father.”
Perhaps you leave the man you are dating and you end the relationship. It can go either way.
Let’s imitate Mary.
When Joseph broke up with her, she did not panic or get depressed. She trusted in God. She attended to her own life, she improved herself and became the best person she could be. She still worked on becoming a saint.
And she rejoiced! We can do that too.
I know it seems strange to rejoice at a breakup, but why not? God is good, God loves us, and with or without a man, we still have God. He is always with us. We can turn to him in prayer, He is always loving us.
Marriage is not the goal of life, it is definitely something good, but it doesn’t always happen. People have free wills.
We can still pursue our relationship with Jesus Christ and the universal call to holiness. We can also have fun because we know we are princes and princesses of God Our Father, the King of All Kings, and we are headed for the kingdom, with a spouse or without a spouse.
No person here on earth is ever going to meet all our needs, we have to realize that. They were not created to do that. In heaven, we will spend eternity being married to God, so let’s start to work on that relationship now, with the Person who loves you more than anyone else with and who knows you better than anyone. God is truly Emmanuel, God is with us!
So after you break up with some gentleman, consider taking a break. Take a fun class in painting, cooking, or music. Learn how to make croissants. Language classes such as Italian or French can be really fun also. Learn standup comedy or take ballroom dancing classes. Plan a trip. Where have you always wanted to go? Hike the Camino de Santiago in Spain or visit Montreal City in Canada. Do some research and plan that trip to see the major cities of Italy. Invest in yourself and cultivate your talents. Have that joie de vivre for life. We are Christians, we should be the happiest people on the planet! And turn to Mary, she understands what you are going through!
Mary, Queen of families, pray for us singles!