Dear Michele: Email More than One Time?

Hi Michele,I am wondering about the right way to approach a woman on this site. I’m considering emailing someone I might get along with, since she lives close by and has the same values and out look on life. Do you just send one email with a little message or go with a full out story? And if she does not answer your first mail do you send a second one? And with the second mail you know she has been online since you sent the first message. So do you keep on trying or just give up on the girl?

Dear A,
Great question, thank you for being so thoughtful about how to approach a potential date. It sounds like you are clear on what you are looking for, which is a great first step!
Email is certainly different then meeting someone in person because sometimes the tone or the intent does not always translate, so I think a short message is a good way to go. Since you have a profile on this site, she can always get more detailed information about your interests. The full out story should be reserved for a face-to-face date, and not always the first one!
I’m not a huge fan of making a second attempt, but if you feel very compelled a short message just to confirm that your previous inquiry was received probably can’t hurt. But after two, then it’s time to give up. People sometimes have a hard time saying that they are not interested, so they will just not respond. It’s not the polite thing to do, but it does happen all the time.
Good luck in your journey, and remember to include your dating life in your prayer life. Asking for God’s guidance and discernment can bring you a sense of peace when looking for the person that he has prepared specifically for you.

God Bless,
Michele Fleming, M.A.