A common mistake a Catholic man makes in dating is thinking that there is a Catholic way of dating. He thinks that Catholics date by a separate set of rules than people who are not Catholic.
If I follow Church teachings, if I stay in grace, if I go to church on Sunday, I’ll find a nice Catholic girl who does the same things.
That’s a myth.
Catholic or not, we all date by the same set of rules and laws of attraction and rejection that make us happy or miserable. Catholics may have more rules for life or dating but we don’t have different rules. Here’s an example.
Man asks nice Catholic girl out at Church.
She doesn’t even give him a first date.
He wonders, “I’m Catholic. I go to Church. I follow church teachings. We’re both single. And the perfect height! But not one date? Not even one chance?”
Hate to break it to you buddy, but here is the truth. People may go out with you and think it is nice you are Catholic. People may even go out with you in spite of you being Catholic. However, nobody is going to go out with you because you are Catholic. Being Catholic does not get you any freebees in the dating world. If someone is not attracted to you by your personality, status, physique and other natural or acquired qualities, it is not going to work.
I know every Catholic girl out there on every Catholic blog is saying, “I’m just looking for a good Catholic man.”
What they are really saying, however, is, “I’m looking for a great guy—who has a sense of humor, is self-confident, has a nice job, gets what he wants—who is also Catholic.” Just being a good Catholic is not going to cut it.
Think of your own experience. Have you ever showed up to a singles mixer talked to a young lady and said to yourself, “We are totally not right for each other.” Just before excusing yourself and moving on to the next circle she grabs your sleeve, stares in your eyes and says, “I’m Catholic.” And then everything changed. Suddenly you were interested, things clicked and you had an amazing conversation for the next two hours.
Has that ever happened? No.
Being Catholic does not mean you can skip ahead or stop working on yourself. It may be a deal breaker for some people but it’s not the deal maker. You need to do the same painstaking work that every other single agnostic, atheist, Christian, Muslim, Pentecostal person out there does. People will appreciate your faith, admire your faith, but nobody is going to choose you for your faith.
You are Catholic, but a lot of Catholics won’t go out with you? Keep trusting as if it all depended on your faith, but keep working as if it all depended on you.