
Dear CatholicSingles.COM, I have met a wonderful man on the site. We have been corresponding by way of email, phone, chat and quite a few visits in person. Needless to say, I feel it is necessary to cancel my membership because last Friday, June 21, 2000, he asked me to marry him! And of course I said yes! We will be getting married in October. He is a very caring, warm, beautiful person (inside and out) and he is a very devout Catholic. These are the qualities that I have been looking for in a man my whole life. I am so grateful for this site, because without it, I would have never met him. I had virtually given up on ever meeting someone I could be compatible with, much less marry someday. So, for what is worth…here is some advice for everyone who is searching for that “special someone”. Just stay close to God, and try not to think too much about finding someone, if it is meant to happen, it will..and most likely when you least expect it! My prayers are with you all!Dawn And once again, thank you Catholicsingles.COM! – Dawn