Saint Maria Faustina: Lessons For Catholic Singles

Poland has produced two great mystics this century-John Paul II and St. Faustina. St. Faustina was canonized by John Paul II on April 30, 2000, so in many ways these two great saints are interconnected.
Maria Faustina, originally named Helen Kowalska, grew up in a poor family in Poland of ten children. She first felt the calling to religious life at age 7, but did not answer the call until later, much like St. Terese the Little Flower. Jesus came to her again in a mystical way while she was attending a dance at age 16. Jesus again urged her to follow her vocation. She finally settled on a certain convent and entered that convent where she took final vows.

In a number of other mystical visions, Maria Faustina received a call within her call to be a Secretary of Divine Mercy. Jesus requested Maria Faustina to create an image of him inscripted with the words “Jesus I trust in you.” He also requested that she record certain messages for the world in her diary. The feast day of Divine Mercy was instituted. Maria Faustina died at aged 33 after a period of sickness.

This beautiful Polish mystic has many lessons for singles:

1. Trust Jesus. I think this is the most beautiful message of this saint from Jesus and from the Divine Mercy messages. You can read more about this in St. Faustina’s diary. Basically Jesus said, it hurts Him when souls fail to trust in Him so ask Our Lord for more trust. Ask Him to help you trust him more and more. It may be a lifelong task. I think it may be for me. We can grow in our levels of trust for Jesus. Maybe you are walking through a valley right now in your life, maybe you are in a dark place after the end of a relationship or some other great problem you are facing. It could be financial, it could be a health problem. Trust in Jesus. He will lead you through the valley, He will help you grow, and He will bring you out of the valley, but sometimes, as followers of Christ, we will suffer, but our suffering is redemptive, especially when united with the suffering of Jesus. He wants to make you into a saint.

2. View yourself with mercy. We all may have regrets, or we have made mistakes. We wonder why we are still single. Abandon yourself to God and unite yourself to His will. His ways are different than our ways. Look at yourself in a merciful way. We have to learn to love ourselves too, for some of us, this can be difficult. Nothing is impossible with God. Forgive the past and forgive yourself. Allow Jesus to heal any wounds of the past with His abundant graces, now we live in a great time of mercy, ever since the pontificate of John Paul II. Take advantage of the Divine Mercy novena. Start praying it now and avail yourself of the plenary indulgence on Divine Mercy Sunday with communion and confession. Your soul will be like it was at baptism, so wondrous are the graces of Our Lord. Listen to the divine mercy hour on Relevant Radio with Drew Mariani at 3 pm everyday. This is a wonderful prayer hour. This chaplet has produced many wonderful miracles. God wants to shower us with His mercy. It it is His greatest attribute.

St. Maria Faustina, pray for us singles!

“I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over [its] enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I Myself will defend it as My own glory.”  Diary of St. Faustina

“Pure love is capable of great deeds, and it is not broken by difficulty or adversity.” Diary of St. Faustina

“Some day, we will know the value of suffering, but then we will no longer be able to suffer.”  Diary of St. Faustina 

by Stephanie Klatt